UAM-V® Photochemical Modeling System
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Ozone concentration animation

This example animation depicts
UAM-V® simulated surface-level ozone concentrations for the period 1-2 August 1999. These days are part of a longer ozone simulation (1-9 August 1999), during which high concentrations in the Southeast US occurred under high temperature, clear sky, and light wind conditions. This animation has been shortened and its quality has been significantly reduced in order to allow it to load more quickly over the Internet.

In the full version of this animation, UAM-V® simulated hourly averaged concentrations (ppb ozone) are interpolated to ten-minute intervals. The time of the simulation is depicted in the upper left corner and the maximum concentration in the region for the corresponding time period is depicted in the upper right corner. The color scale ranges from 40 to >190 ppb. Black denotes ozone concentrations less than 40 ppb.

Wind directions along the Gulf Coast were initially northerly on 1 August, became variable, and turned westerly along the coast by 2 August. The meteorological inputs were prepared using MM5, with four dimensional data assimilation and 4 km horizontal resolution with 20 vertical layers.

Some interesting features of the simulation/animation are:

  • Ozone concentrations exceed 100 ppb after 1200 hours on 1 August and 1000 hours on 2 August
  • Ozone concentrations exceed 120 ppb by 1200 hours on 2 August
  • On 2 August, highest concentrations are calculated south of Pascagoula (over the Gulf) and in Atlanta by 1400 hours, and later in the Houston area.
  • Ozone concentrations exceed 100 ppb off-shore in the Gulf and are transported easterly and southerly during the nighttime hours parallel to the coastline.

This simulation is one of three multi-day episodes. It forms a part of the 1-hour State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Using projected emissions for 2005, the SIP demonstrates attainment of the U. S. 1-hour ambient air quality standard of 120 ppb. Animation of the projected 2005 ozone air quality is not presented here. The modeling domain used is Grid 2 of the Gulf Coast Ozone Study (GCOS) modeling domain (see

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