UAMV Version 1.31 installation notes (Revision date: 1/15/2004) These instructions assume that the UAM-V code is being installed on a system using a Unix-like operating system. If another type of operating system is being used (e.g., DOS, Windoows, etc.), the job scripts provided will require substantial modification. Details of these modifications are beyond the scope of these installation notes. To unpack the UAM-V131.tar.gz file, first copy or move it to where you wish to unpack it. Then issue "gunzip [filename]" to uncompress the archive. Note that the ".gz" extension is automatically removed from the end of the filename. Finally, issue "tar -vxf" to unpack the files and directories from the uncompressed archive. This will maintain the original directory structure. If you change the directory structure, additional modifications will be necessary in job scripts. Untarring the UAM-V131.tar file creates a UAM-V131 directory with a copy of this readme file and two main subdirectories: src and sample. Source Code Directory (src) The directory src includes source code of the UAM-V and several other programs that have been updated for this version of the model. Source code of the UAM-V version 1.31 is in the directory src/uamv1.31. Programs to prepare the terrain file and the rates file are included in the src/terrain and src/calcj directories. Programs for converting ascii data files to binary are included in the directories src/airconv and src/uamvbinr. A program for converting the model output files to ascii for comparison with the sample results files is included in the directory src/airascii. Compile the source code in the directories named above by changing to the directory and typing the word "make." All makefiles in this package - there is a makefile for each utility - assume that the command used to compile a Fortran program will be f77. If this is not the case, the makefiles will need to be modified. Some warning messages may be generated during the compilation process. These warnings do not normally interfere with the proper execution of the program. Note that the source code supplied has been tested using a Fortran 77 compiler, but the UAM-V v 1.31 code should also be compatible with most Fortran 90 compilers. Compiler options in the makefiles are for DEC Alpha systems. These may need to be tailored to the particular system being used. In particular, the options "-convert big_endian" and "-switch fe_ioworst" are included to make the DEC Alpha binary output files compatible with IEEE Unix binary. These options should not be used on any systems other than DEC Alpha. Changes from v1.30 to v 1.31 are for compatibility with a wider variety of compilers and for code stability. Some modifications of diffusivity effects are included in v 1.31, so some differences between v 1.30 results and 1.31 results may appear. Sample Outputs Directory (sample) Sample data files based on a hypothetical modeling domain are provided for testing the software under the sample directory. If a Unix system is being used, you may be able to use the supplied binary data files without modification. However, if the binary files are for some reason not compatible with the system being used, it will be necessary to regenerate the binary files from the supplied ascii data. In the supplied sample job files, directory paths must be changed to be compatible with the directory where the UAM-V has been installed. In general, this means that the top level directory must be revised, but users should check other pathnames to ensure that they are consistent with the installation of files on their system. The files under the directory sample/inputs are ascii files that are used as-is by the model and should require no modification. However, a job file to create the rates file is included in sample/inputs to illustrate how the program calcj is exercised. To prepare the terrain file, change to the sample/terrain directory and run the job file supplied (making any appropriate changes to reference the directories on your system). In the sample directory, there is a job script called convert_files. Modify this script to reference the appropriate directory on your system. Then run the script. This will regenerate the input data files. A job script to run the UAM-V 1.31 is included under the sample/run directory. Run this script. The script runs three days of a sample simulation. Output files will be written to the subdirectories asc and bin under the output directory. For comparison, sample output files are included in the asc.0 and bin.0 directories. After completion of the sample simulation, the script convert_out in the sample directory can be run to create ascii output files for comparison with the sample outputs. Directory paths in convert_out may need to be changed for consistency with directories used on your system. Most software for displaying output from earlier versions of UAM-V will also work with the output of UAM-V version 1.31. Feel free to use such software to make additional comparisons of your output with the sample files.