UAM-V® Photochemical Modeling System
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Job Announcement:

SAI, a subsidiary of ICF Consulting, is a consulting and contract research firm specializing in environmental modeling and analysis. Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, SAI is an internationally recognized leader in the development of meteorological and air quality modeling techniques, and their use in designing solutions to environmental problems. We are seeking applicants prepared to assume substantial technical responsibility in various projects being performed for a number of local, state, and Federal agencies and commercial organizations. Strong, relevant academic background (M.S./Ph.D. in atmospheric science or related field), and a minimum of 3-5 years of professional experience in meteorological and/or air quality modeling is required. Solid technical background in physical sciences and math with excellent computing skills, good oral and written communication skills, and the ability to work effectively in a project team setting are also required. Experience in scientific computing with UNIX, Linux, FORTRAN, and C++ highly desirable. Areas of responsibility include processing and analysis of meteorological and air quality data, model application addressing ozone and particulate matter issues, and model development as part of interdisciplinary teams.

Please email or send resume with cover letter stating career objectives, salary expectations, and date of availability to Mr. Jay L. Haney, Systems Applications International/ICF Consulting, 101 Lucas Valley Road, Suite 230, San Rafael, CA 94903. (

SAI is a subsidiary of ICF Consulting Inc., and is an equal opportunity employer.